
Archive for May 15th, 2010

Systems of Psychology

(1) Structuralism:

Structuralism as a Movement had brought science to Psychology and established  Psychology as a science.

(2) Functionalism:

The Functionalist point of view is broad enough to Support of Psychology.

(3) Associationism:

Associationism has a long history-Starting with aristotel and elevated into a series of concepts by scores of research workers.

(4) Conditioning and objective Psychology:

Nome of the three fathers of contemporary Psychology Freud, Dilthey or pavilion Considered Psychology his occupation, Ivan petrovitch pavlov  never believed in a successful Psychology.

(5) Behaviorism:

Are neo-behavioristst not pseudo-behaviorists?

(6) Purposivism:

The ‘what for’ question posed by the functionalist was taken up and answered by McDougall.

(7) Gestaltism:

We question only the assumption that this whole character comes from Something other them or more than this set of conditions or that there is an ” Independent whole” or that the whole acts to contral the parts.

(8)Field  Theory:

Lewin may be Considered as a member of the Gestalt Schort or as the developer of a separate system. His ori entalation in the other hand is toward Psychology as a social Science.

(9) Psychoanalysis:

Of  Freud it can salad that he possessed the great virtue of a research worker. Sapere  Aude, But rarely has any thoery been exposed to so much bitter and som etimes unfair critism as Psychoanalysis.

(10) Analytical and Individul Psychology:

Adler and Jung represent a Schim in Psychoanalysis as it was  formulated before the outbrek of the first  world war. Today the common part forms the main link between the splinter groups of adler and Jung and the main body of psychology.

(11) Organismic and personalistic  Psychology:

The picture of the Whole organism and its Gestalt Shoulo be interpreted in its totality in  a holistic manner Allport and Le win owe many ideas to willian stem and may be considered the American Represementatives of the personlistic school.

– Mahesh Chaudhari

Refrains: મનોવિજ્ઞાનના સંપ્રદાયો અને સિધ્ધાન્તો

– લેખકઃ બી.એ.પરિખ.

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